Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sadkhin Diet: Day 4

My second milk day and I feel a lot better than  I felt all week. Because of how weird I was feeling, I DID finish all of the allotted milk instead of just to the point of full.I just wanted to make sure I gave myself enough nutrients. I've also decided to eat the heavier of the veggies allowed so I don't feel any hunger pains. Today I pretty much just made hot milk drinks. I made a kinda strange pine needle milk mix (It's some sort of black tea that is dried on top of pine bark...It has the strangest taste) followed by a banging chai milk. I'm a big fan of chai tea so I decided to stock up on that tea.

My chest didn't feel so heavy. In fact, I was doing pretty good throughout the day. Maybe work is what's making me so tense. I cleaned the entirety of the kitchen and felt fine. I'm talking about scrubbing cabinets and stove tops! The only time I felt weird was when I stood up too quickly after being crouched down, and that happened to me even when I wasn't on this diet.

I also took some Emergen - C for the leg cramps. It seemed to help a little, and I used a heating pad on my calf to calm it down.

I really really REALLY miss eating food. I don't think so much in a sustenance way, but in a passing time way. Walking down the street and even when I am in my office--there is this strange draft that runs right by my desk and I can smell EVERYTHING the graphics office is chowing on-- I'm constantly reminded of tasty little dishes I can't have right now. Honestly it wouldn't be so bad if I could at least use olive oil or have beans.

Ah well, at least I have something to look forward to when I move on past this. I have been looking up info about large amounts of weight loss in short periods of time and someone commented on the article saying, "You're just going to blow up like a balloon as soon as you come off of the yo-yo diet." I disagree mostly with that statement. If you do a crazy diet and drop massive weight followed by not changing your eating habits and not exercising of course you will gain it back! But if you do a drastic diet and follow it up with healthy choices and being active, I don't see how that would be possible.

I'm going to make an appointment Monday to see a regular doctor about this strange panicky feeling and closing sensation in my throat. I've gone off of sugar before, and never had such a feeling so I don't know about all that... but better safe than sorry.   


  1. Replies
    1. Hey! I'm so sorry! It took me forever to just have a second to sit down and reply to this post.

      I am not currently doing it but I will being going for round two in Feb. Did you have a question? I totally forgot to write a follow up after it ended lol.
