Friday, April 12, 2013

Sadkhin Diet: Day 3

On to day three and today is a milk day. I read that the milk days were easier. I have to say as far as fullness goes perhaps they are easier days. But NOT physically putting food into my mouth was kind of depressing. I honestly do like to eat. I could feel the difference between being hungry and eating just because it was time to eat.

I didn't drink all the milk. I just wasn't interested in it. I tried though. Maybe I shouldn't mix it with tea? Though I did about a cup of milk and half a cup of tea, I still only managed about 2.5 cups. That's not too bad, that's how much they usually tell you to drink.

I felt that weird tightening chest grip I felt yesterday before the panic attack. So I watched some Youtube videos of tranquil babbling brooks in Japan. Then it got busy at work. I was fine after that mostly. From time to time I get a strange feeling in my body. What if I really am Diabetic... :( I'd definitely have to stop. I called the office in Manhattan and the doctor there seems like the bees knees. He didn't have a thick crazy accent like the other doctor, and he assured me that, "...The only side effect of this diet is weight loss." Right. Well now it's time to put in a call to a doctor's office. Thank goodness  I now have insurance.

I also have weird numbness. I have bad circulation, so I always gett a little numbness when I sit weird. But this felt like it moved around. That can't be good...  Why am I having so many problems with this...? I have only heard positive things... 

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