Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sadkhin Diet: Day 17 - 22

Oh how the time does fly. I've been really out of it lately you guys sorry. I spaced a few nights, a few nights I passed out (tired) and a few nights I had another post for another blog up on my screen and I didn't want to exit out of it.

This past few days were filled with cheats and sneaks and the biggest of surprises: weight loss.

Official weigh in: 198

It seems even though I cheated and had beans, a bit of cheese, and wonton soup I still managed to lose a whopping five pounds. Inches wise, just over half an inch. I'm sure if I would have been diligent and less lazy, it easily could have been more. My weigh in was on this past Sunday morning. Afterwards I rushed on to work and told myself I need to do better this next cycle.

Next cycle? What? Yeah... I went ahead and did the last cycle. Dr. Gene was already prepping the balls even though I told him I wanted to go into maintenance. He told me that if I skip this third cycle and go into maintenance, I have a 50 percent chance of gaining all the weight back... This is probably the first thing this man has told me that is probably untrue, but what do I know. Shut up and take my money....

Either way, I realize I have a tendency to quit everything I ever start and it is probably for the best that I finish this. I'm on day 13 of the squat challenge and though it's not necessarily hard, I'm just ready to end it because, like I said, I quit everything. Anyways, I left the office surprised and my weight loss and ready to splurge on something non Sadkhin like in nature.

I ate a veggie sandwich. This is my first time having bread. Yes, I was stopped up for days.... I told myself I need to start cheating. I could tell I wasn't going to lose anymore weight if I kept splurging and cheating. What's the point of this if I'm not going to take it seriously? Just a waste of time, money, and tasty fatty food if you ask me.  Dr. Gene "predicts' five more pounds. I myself can see no more than three. I spent the first three days slipping and sliding. Today I was find and I did not nibble on anything extra.

Oh yeah by the way, This pasts Tuesday was the first time I did the yogurt. Oh my gawd it was like heaven. Why was I not doing this before!! All those wasted milk days I could have been eating what tasted like vanilla cheesecake. A lil vinilla extract, some plain yogurt, a bit of cinnamon,;raw honey. It tasted like liquid cheesecake. It was oh so delicious! I was unsure if I was going to do yogurt again this weekend, or if I should do milk. I feel like I should go back to milk because of the cheating I did in the beginning: you know, like the fast I did before. Mostly tea, topped off with milk, but I'm sure that's not the best way to deal with my problem. We'll see.

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