Friday, May 3, 2013

Sadkhin Diet: Day 24

.... Yeah about what I said yesterday lol

I woke up with a plan. I thought I was following the plan. The plan went awry. I Think it is because of the watermelon. Whenever I eat watermelon, as should be expected, I'm not usually filled by it. It is mostly water. So my plan of a banana and mad melon fell short. I ended up at whole foods eating a bit of seaweed salad and saag paneer (my favorite green thing ever created). Not to mention a vegan gingersnap cookie. I was like, no butter, no egg, no milk no problem! However, it was made with wheat flour; and oil. Which is probably much worst than dairy. I also... have a carrot ginger soup sitting here next to me. Yes, that is how hungry I thought I was. I ate all the rest and realized I wasn't hungry enough to eat the soup, which is fine.

 I was suppose to hang out tonight but the longer it takes for my friend to get his sh*t together the more clothes I've transitioned out of lol. I started with sweats, and have moved on to a more comfortable top. If I take off my mascara that's a rap!

Speaking of which, I bought some makeup from Sophora today. I found a lip color for the spring, a red, and some mascara because the one I have that isn't from the dollor store is so empty dust and bats fly out when I open it. It was a good buy.

Update: Um.... I did end up going out... and I started with a glass of wine... and it turned into two martinis and a beer LOL. I was pretty trashed seeing as how I hardly eat. I had a salad also after hours (bad bad bree) It was awesome. Couldn't finish it though. Nothing but downhill from here... I hope

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