Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sadkhin Diet: Day 28

I actually wasn't all that hungry today. Probably because for the first time in my existence I knew my fate if I ate anything lol. I was going to fast all day, but why? I knew what I did last night... That bread was going nowhere. Instead I had a tiny bit of steamed cauliflower and even less avocado. I also had an apple later.  It actually did the trick. I ate way way WAY under the amount I was suppose to... Would it help me fall back down into the 195 range.

Weigh in: 197

Dot dot dot....

Yeah, I screwed the pooch on that one. Dr. Gene looked at me and I told him, I surely cheated this week. Truth is, I've cheated throughout most of this, but never a big cheat outside of extra fruit and vegs and the occasional spot of cheese. Bread, beer, and late night eating was a BIG no no; and it showed.

He started cleaning the area to apply balls to rotate for another week. Um, no! He seemed perplexed. I explained, "I'm done. I'm going into maintenance." He said I'm the controller of my body but... I should really do one more cycle...

No, I cheated so much because I don't want to do it anymore. A) It is expensive and B) I'm ready to return to a healthy lifestyle where I was running faster and longer each day, eating breakfast lunch, dinner, and healthy snacks, drinking with friends and not getting terrible cramps when doing strength training. I think this program gave me a lot to think about, and helped me shed some weight quickly and boost my weight loss efforts, but I don't want to go another month -- Dr. Gene believes I'd be a poster child and could lose "60 whole pounds" if I just stay on it longer-- without working out.

And yes, I love to eat. However, there is a balance I needed to find and I feel like this has helped shed light on some of my bad habits. Kudos to the program and to me. I'm just ready to move on to phase two. I gave myself until July to get down to 190. The third phase is to get down to at least 175 by November. If I managed that, I would be down 55lbs in a year. After that I will assess my weight and tone and figure out then if I need to lose any more. I have a plan. I'm really bad at sticking to plans. This wasn't originally my plan, but I'm still glad I did it.

On a final note,

I won't write every day or two now that I'm on maintenance. After the next two weeks I will try and keep up with my weight loss success on more of a monthly basis.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sadkhin Diet: Day 27

The day went fine at first...

I made a carrot and cauliflower ginger soup last night and sipped on it all day. It was pretty tasty and filling. But when I was headed home... I got cravings man! It's definitely because I was not following the diet very well anymore. I ate some bread and honey. Oh and half an avocado... and prunes. At this point I was like, " I need to clear this crap from my body." Sigh. I jut couldn't hold out a few more days could I?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sadkhin Diet: Day 26

Ohhhh boy. I just can't stop! I'm so over this diet... I fasted most of today to make up for my shitty yesterday... I still had a bit o yogurt but mostly tea. Plus because I was still semi- hung over from Friday, I wasn't really hungry anyways.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sadkhin Diet: Day 25

I was NOT hungry today. Kinda hung over from drinking like I eat regularly or something... I spent my time walking around all day and when it was all said and done, I was back down to 195.... I need to get my snit together... where are my sunglasses... so bright... lol

Not really, I'd have to be black out drunk to be that messed up. My "hang overs" consist mostly of me not feeling hungry for a day or two and wanting to sleep in. I still function pretty normally outside of that. I went and got a facial today. It was nice, soothing, tranquil... until at the end the lady tried to sell me on a monthly 200 dollars spa package.

 "Um... I need to think about it."

"Come on, you can afford to do something for you."

"Yeah, but I need to make sure I can afford such luxury."

"You need this."

Excuse me? Don't tell me what I NEED or WANT or can AFFORD. Who are you, my personal accountant? Bitch back the f*ck up! After telling the woman I was not interested three more times, she seemed exasperated with me and even mad I didn't cave. Whatever.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Sadkhin Diet: Day 24

.... Yeah about what I said yesterday lol

I woke up with a plan. I thought I was following the plan. The plan went awry. I Think it is because of the watermelon. Whenever I eat watermelon, as should be expected, I'm not usually filled by it. It is mostly water. So my plan of a banana and mad melon fell short. I ended up at whole foods eating a bit of seaweed salad and saag paneer (my favorite green thing ever created). Not to mention a vegan gingersnap cookie. I was like, no butter, no egg, no milk no problem! However, it was made with wheat flour; and oil. Which is probably much worst than dairy. I also... have a carrot ginger soup sitting here next to me. Yes, that is how hungry I thought I was. I ate all the rest and realized I wasn't hungry enough to eat the soup, which is fine.

 I was suppose to hang out tonight but the longer it takes for my friend to get his sh*t together the more clothes I've transitioned out of lol. I started with sweats, and have moved on to a more comfortable top. If I take off my mascara that's a rap!

Speaking of which, I bought some makeup from Sophora today. I found a lip color for the spring, a red, and some mascara because the one I have that isn't from the dollor store is so empty dust and bats fly out when I open it. It was a good buy.

Update: Um.... I did end up going out... and I started with a glass of wine... and it turned into two martinis and a beer LOL. I was pretty trashed seeing as how I hardly eat. I had a salad also after hours (bad bad bree) It was awesome. Couldn't finish it though. Nothing but downhill from here... I hope

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sadkhin Diet: Day 23

I turned over a new leaf! I didn't cheat today and I spaced out my yogurt much better so I would be very full heading into the night. 

It was a good thing if I may say so out loud. I need to learn to take responsibility for my actions. Not saying I don't already, but I need to see what I'm doing wrong and do what I can to change it. So I did. 5 more days to go!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sadkhin Diet: Day 17 - 22

Oh how the time does fly. I've been really out of it lately you guys sorry. I spaced a few nights, a few nights I passed out (tired) and a few nights I had another post for another blog up on my screen and I didn't want to exit out of it.

This past few days were filled with cheats and sneaks and the biggest of surprises: weight loss.

Official weigh in: 198

It seems even though I cheated and had beans, a bit of cheese, and wonton soup I still managed to lose a whopping five pounds. Inches wise, just over half an inch. I'm sure if I would have been diligent and less lazy, it easily could have been more. My weigh in was on this past Sunday morning. Afterwards I rushed on to work and told myself I need to do better this next cycle.

Next cycle? What? Yeah... I went ahead and did the last cycle. Dr. Gene was already prepping the balls even though I told him I wanted to go into maintenance. He told me that if I skip this third cycle and go into maintenance, I have a 50 percent chance of gaining all the weight back... This is probably the first thing this man has told me that is probably untrue, but what do I know. Shut up and take my money....

Either way, I realize I have a tendency to quit everything I ever start and it is probably for the best that I finish this. I'm on day 13 of the squat challenge and though it's not necessarily hard, I'm just ready to end it because, like I said, I quit everything. Anyways, I left the office surprised and my weight loss and ready to splurge on something non Sadkhin like in nature.

I ate a veggie sandwich. This is my first time having bread. Yes, I was stopped up for days.... I told myself I need to start cheating. I could tell I wasn't going to lose anymore weight if I kept splurging and cheating. What's the point of this if I'm not going to take it seriously? Just a waste of time, money, and tasty fatty food if you ask me.  Dr. Gene "predicts' five more pounds. I myself can see no more than three. I spent the first three days slipping and sliding. Today I was find and I did not nibble on anything extra.

Oh yeah by the way, This pasts Tuesday was the first time I did the yogurt. Oh my gawd it was like heaven. Why was I not doing this before!! All those wasted milk days I could have been eating what tasted like vanilla cheesecake. A lil vinilla extract, some plain yogurt, a bit of cinnamon,;raw honey. It tasted like liquid cheesecake. It was oh so delicious! I was unsure if I was going to do yogurt again this weekend, or if I should do milk. I feel like I should go back to milk because of the cheating I did in the beginning: you know, like the fast I did before. Mostly tea, topped off with milk, but I'm sure that's not the best way to deal with my problem. We'll see.