Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What If I Was A Hippie Man??

Can you imagine? Me, a hippie? hahahah....letting my leg hairs grow during the summer and only bathing when I notice my own funk? spending all my time enjoying the present not worried about the future, smoking that wonderful herb and making only enough to travel about, seeing things. Completely withdrawn from the social norms and pleasantries.... just doing me.

O_O my God that would be awesome! -_-' so why is it so hard to actually do? Why do I feel like I need to build something, climb ladders, kiss corporate asses, make lots of money so I can do expensive things that I don't even like to do... Have you ever had champaign champagne ? It's like honestly the worst! instant hang over and it taste like poop. That's kind of a analogy about today's society too. We are working super hard for something that is pretty much expensive, God awful, and shitty. Why? Why why why why why? I don't know... but I am really fighting that need to be one of the Joneses.

I want to get healthy. I have spent more than 70 percent of my life trying to lose weight. to fit into a category that I frankly don't belong in. I still want to lose weight, but I really just want to get healthy, purge myself of all of these toxins. Then live life. enjoy it. Not have to live by the dime but by my own time. travel. eat sleep and breath clean air. I feel like that lifestyle is a lot to ask for even though it's considered not a lot. I think to be a modern day hippie would be harder to attain. not because it's hard to just be, but because there is so much advertisement, eye candy, you name it out there to make you think you need it to be happy.

....End of Rant. LOL

1 comment:

  1. Ah to be a hippie! Yeah I couldn't do it either! Oh and yeah Champagne is gross! Do not gulp down Champagne and then dance your ass off cuz you WILL throw up! Well at least I did! I love your background pic! It's cute!
